Laboratory Rules
  • Do not enter the lab without white overalls (lab coat).
  • Keep silence in the laboratory. It is essential for concentration and successful scientific work.
  • Keep your apparatus, table and note-books neat and clean.
  • Add reagents in proportionate amount, this is the key to success.
  • Keep the reagents stoppers, do not change the stoppers of the bottles and also do not disturb the arrangement on the shelf. Keep the reagents at the proper place.
  • Do not shift the bottles from the common shelf.
  • Do not throw broken glass pieces, matchsticks, filter paper, etc. in the sink. Throw them in the waste box kept for the purpose.
  • Shake the test tube while heating on the floor.
  • Pass hydrogen sulphide gas slowly in the solution. It is a very poisonous gas. Do not leave the gas stoppers open.
  • Any damage to lab apparatus/equipment will have to be made good through fine of ₹50/-.